Equine Facilitated Therapy Basic course

How does the course work?

If you are interested, please complete the application form. Then wait for the confirmation email with detailed information about enrolling in the course and payment.

After the proceeded payment, you will get a username and password to access the e-learning. Every week will be open a new lecture for self-study. During this period we will be online to answer your question via email. Furthermore, you will be invited to the closed FB group, where you can meet with the other participants as well.

The practical part take place in Prague, the Czech Republic
This part will take place in the EFT centre Caballinus, z.s.

The number of participants: No limit for e-learning. Practical part – minimum 4 and maximum of 8 participants.

New form of the practical part – due to Covid situation we prepared a virtual form of practical part to enable getting the full education and skills, please see here.

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Language: English

Who can attend: This course has been designed for physical, occupational and speech-language pathologists, physicians specialise in paediatrics, neurology, orthopaedic or rehabilitation.  Horse-persons and other professions may attend the course, but will not get a certificate/diploma. All participants have to have at least a minimum of essential horse experience in equine handling and care.

Certificates of completion:
Physical, Occupational and Speech Pathology Therapist, Physicians (paediatrician, neurologist, orthopedist or physiatrist) 
will be requested to complete the whole course – e-learning and practical part, submit a case study (within 60 days from completing the practical part) and take an online test (within 14 days from providing the case study). The Certificate will be credited by the CEFTA.

Other professions – the participant may complete only the e-learning or the practical part as well. He/she will receive a certificate of attendance with information that he/she is not eligible to perform EFT treatment session independently.

EFT is a rehabilitation method; therefore, the profession matter. If you are other professional and want to engage in Equine Facilitated Learning or Psychotherapy, please contact us for advice on predsedkyne@hiporehabilitace-cr.com.

Course duration: 100 hours theory via e-learning and 40 hours of practice in a hippotherapy centre in the Czech Republic or via virtual form.

The course focuses on gaining theoretical and practical skills for performing hippotherapy.

The participants will learn:

  • The principle of the horse’s movement affecting human systems.
  • Neurodevelopmental milestones and possible positioning of the patient on the horse.
  • Treatment standard for most common diagnosis.
  • Appropriate methods of horse handling during hippotherapy.
  • Selection and use of hippotherapy equipment for the horse and patient.
  • All factors that contribute to safety in the hippotherapy session.
  • Patient selection for hippotherapy including specific contraindications and precautions.
  • Patient evaluation and treatment planning.
  • Potential emergencies and appropriate procedures.
  • Hippotherapy team members – roles.
  • Documentation, record keeping.
  • Equine skills – the “body language” of the horse, anatomical points of the horse, the desired conformation of the horse, desirable qualities of the horse’s movement.

Content of the practical part realized in a virtual form for the year 2021

13 to 14 April – 2-day online workshop for all participants

15 April to 15 May – 4 weeks of work with student´s clients – the student will submit 4 therapy session video-recorded – 4 different positions and 4 diagnoses. The records will be submitted without editing, showing complete therapy session from welcoming the client, to the end of the session. The student will email it, accompanied by a written commentary. She/he will also submit a recorded complete initial evaluation for 2 clients.

During these 4 weeks, she/he will receive two 30-minute individual video-consultations.

24 to 31 May –  an individual online interview with lecturers for submitted video analysis

19 June  – a one-day (4 hours) online meeting of all participants to explain questions and ambiguities.

30 June –  Case study submission

15 July – Online test


Apr 13 2021 - Jul 15 2021

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Czech Republic
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