National Registers


In 2021 HETI provided the IT platform and admin support to pilot an Irish national register of EAS providers, called HEIR Ireland (Human Equine Interaction Register). This was followed in 2022 with a pilot UK national register, HEIR UK. Both pilots were intended as 2 year projects, with the national registers then to form a separate legal entity from HETI and self-govern. The report for this pilot project can be read here.

From 2024, HETI will no longer provide the platform to pilot national registers. Instead, we will convene regular forum meetings for those embarking on the endeavour to regulate/set standards for a fully national register. 

We will support organisations wishing to set up national registers by providing connections between organisations, and convening forum meetings. HETI will support collaboration both nationally and internationally and seek to help participants find common ground and learn from each other. The benefits of participating in an international forum:

  • Learn from those with existing registers
  • Share workload (where everyone is working on the same tasks)
  • Sense-check ideas
  • Discuss standards across international borders
  • Keep up momentum
  • Safe space moderated by a neutral organisation
  • Improve funding proposals
  • Guest experts

We will include national registers on the HETI National Standards web page only if they meet the following criteria:

  • Specifically for Equine Assisted Services
  • National organisation
  • Open to all, or all of a specified job title
  • Have compulsory standards
  • Have a governing document (eg constitution)
  • Have a  website


    If you are interested in participating in a national standards forum, you have a national register to be listed on the HETI National Standards web page, or you would like early stage advice on starting a national register, please contact the HETI office –