IXX. International Congress will take place in Oslo, Norway in May 18-22, 2027
HETI Congress websiteInternational EventsPresentations from some Congresses are available in the HETI membership area. Not yet a member? Check out our membership plan.
XVIII. International Congress, 2024
Budapest, Hungary: Horse Is Your Power
XVII. International Congress, 2021
Seoul, Korea : Widen the Spectrum
XVI. International Congress, 2018
Dublin, Ireland : Striking the balance
XV. International Congress, 2015
Danshui, New Taipei City, Taiwan: Horses and People
XII. International Congress, 2006
Brasilia, Brasil: Contact Between Friends
IX. International Congress, 1997
Denver, USA: Riding the Winds of Progress
VI. International Congress, 1988
Toronto, Canada: Therapeutic Riding and Scientific Research
III. International Congress, 1979
Warwick, United Kingdom: Riding as a Sport for the Disabled
XIV. International Congress, 2012
Athens, Greece: Horses in Education and Therapy
XI. International Congress, 2003
Budapest, Hungary: The Complex Influence of Therapeutic Riding
VIII. International Congress, 1994
Hamilton, New Zealand
V. International Congress, 1985
Milan, Italy: Rehabilitation Through Riding
II. International Congress, 1976
Basel, Switzerland: Rehabilitation through riding – Riding Therapy
XIII. International Congress, 2009
Münster, Germany: Horses for Body, Mind and Soul
X. International Congress, 2000
Angers, France: Cheval et Differénces
VII. International Congress 1991
Aarhus, Denmark, 1991: An Update on Therapeutic Riding
IV. International Congress, 1982
Hamburg, Germany: Overview of the international situation in therapeutic riding
I. International Congress, 1974
Paris, France: Reeducation par L’Equitation