HETI Journal : International Research and Practice

The Federation of Horses in Education and Therapy International (HETI) publishes the HETI Journal: International Research and Practice.

The focus of the journal is to advance knowledge about Equine Assisted Services.

This past decade has marked tremendous change for the HETI Journal. The re-establishment and strengthening of a double blind peer-review system in 2012 and the expansion of submission categories in the year following are both central to our international, scholarly, and practitioner-focused publication. 

We now have the following features in place to better serve those accessing and submitting articles:

  1. Online, rolling submission with a yearly publication – Online publishing is available.
  2. No fee is required for publication.
  3. Roles have been added to the Editorial Team. Please visit our ‘Meet the team’ page to find out more.
  4. For an easier manuscript submission we have developed an online submission platform where authors can upload their manuscripts using the Journal web area. The overall editorial process, including the double blind peer-review, will remain the same. Please visit our Call for submissions below to submit your manuscript.
  5. Finally, the peer-reviewed HETI Journal is focused on practitioners. We especially welcome submissions in the areas of case study and theory and practice, in addition to original research and letters to the editor.

We invite you now to browse over 100 Journal Abstracts in our Journal repository. 

Journal ISSN:

Print ISSN:          2811-6119

Online ISSN:       2811-6127

If you have any questions or comments in relation to the HETI Journal please email editorial@hetifederation.org.

Call for Peer Reviewers

We welcome additional peer-reviewers to support the quality and relevance of the journal. HETI Journal uses a double-blind peer review system in which the author and reviewer are anonymous to each other. If you are interested in volunteering your time as a reviewer for the HETI Journal, Click Here for more information about the application process.