HETI Educational Webinar with Dr. Celia Grummitt
The subject of the webinar is ‘The Medical Model in Nature Based Therapy.’ The April webinar has been described as a glimpse into the future; to a time when medical doctors are on “the way out”, that is outside, rather than into oblivion! With this change doctors will be pointing more of their patients outside too. The talk will explore the medical model and show the relevance of it to practice in Nature Based Care. It will look at the position of EAS and demonstrate how valuable the insights of generalist medicine can be for any team. Participants in services are used to the language of healthcare and using this language aids communication. Hopefully we are moving, albeit slowly, towards Outdoor Medicine or Outdoor Therapy being a specialty that is as recognized as Sports Medicine or Expedition Medicine. An observation from the speaker is that the wide range of EAS Provision that we are used to seeing tends to polarise into the specialties already in practice, whether psychology based, physiotherapy based or similar, leaving no room for the generalist medical voice. The disadvantages of this approach will be explored. Dr Celia has worked in this field for over 30 years, combining mainstream UK general practice with therapeutic interventions in outdoor settings. She has a special interest in neurodiversity and her book Horses and Human Health was published in 2016 with its second edition due out shortly. Dr Celia trains for the EAS Practitioner Diploma and is on the board of the Equine Assisted Services Partnership where the UK’s Human Equine Interaction Register sits.
This webinar is open to HETI members only. To register, please follow the link: