ISES Online Conference 2021
International Society for Equitation Science
Advancing Equestrian Practice to improve Equine Quality of Life
20th to the 22th October 2021
International Society for Equitation Science (ISES online conference 2021)
Due to the wonderful generosity of our ISES 2021 conference sponsors, we are now able to provide free (yes FREE!) conference registration for all. This means that you will be able to attend live plenary presentations including the ‘Clever Hans’ opening talk given by some excellent invited speakers as well as access the recorded talks given during the four themed sessions including the virtual poster sessions and panel Q&A’s.
This is open to all with an interest in improving the welfare of the horse in its interactions with us. An amazing opportunity to hear from some well respected international equitation science researchers and practitioners, and all for free! We hope that if you haven’t yet become an ISES member/supporter, this experience will inspire you to join!
Register now using EventBrite and we look forward to seeing you there!
We have an exciting line up of experts in the field for you with 68 talks (selected from 88 abstracts submitted) over three days in the following themed sessions:
- Tools for Change– where scientists and practitioners will come together to explore the latest research about equine training cognition and performance,
- Science with Impact– focussing on methods for measuring and monitoring the effects of different training approaches, use of equipment and rider psychology,
- Communication for Change– covering approaches to advancing equitation and performance through effective dissemination of evidence-based information, and,
- Education for Change– opportunities to empower existing and future generations through challenging thinking and practices and developing knowledge about equine welfare needs.
This year we are honoured to have Professor Mike Mendl as our ‘Clever Hans’ speaker. His talk ‘Researching Cognitive Bias and Affective States’ will provide conference attendees the opportunity to consider how information provided by an expert from another field of study can help with our understanding of horses and providing them with a good quality of life.
We look forward to seeing you at the ISES 2021 Conference on the 20-22nd October (but it will also be recorded for you so you can watch it any time).