World Horse Welfare 2024 Conference – ‘What is a good life for a horse?’
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Welcome, Rt Hon Caroline Nokes MP, Conference Chair
Sponsor’s Introduction, Nigel Payne, Trustee, The Sir Peter O’Sullevan Charitable Trust
Opening remarks, Sam Bullard, Chair, World Horse Welfare
What is a good life for a horse?, Roly Owers, Chief Executive, World Horse Welfare
A good life for our horses: we are all responsible, Professor Natalie Waran, Director of the Good Life For Animals Centre, Companion Animals New Zealand
Towards a good life for working equids, Lorena Barrantes, Regional Coordinator, World Horse Welfare
How do we legislate for and enforce a ‘good life’?, Birte Broberg, Founder of the voluntary initiative group on Equidae under the EU Platform on Animal Welfare
The power of opportunities: enhancing horse welfare through choice, Dr Lisa Dickel, (Post-doctoral) researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Full Circle: falling back in love with horses, Hazel Heaton, Owner, Nine Acres and founder of The Fresh Start Scheme for Horses
Discussion Panel
- Chair: Nick Powell, Sports Editor, Sky News
- Peter Laurie, Chief Executive, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home
- Lucy Grieve MRCVS, Veterinary Projects Officer, BEVA
- Lucinda Russell OBE, Trainer, Lucinda Russell Racing
- Major Dan McRink, Regimental Veterinary Officer, The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment
- Tony Tyler, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of UK, World Horse Welfare
Summing up, Roly Owers, Chief Executive, World Horse Welfare