Effectiveness of Hippotherapy in Different Countries A Perspective on Factors Contributing to the Quality of Hippotherapy 2006
Year | 2006 |
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58862/YOAR2821
Print ISSN: 2811-6119
Online ISSN: 2811-6127
The purpose of this paper was to explore the effectiveness of hippotherapy in the UK and Germany. A mixed methods study design, which involved a questionnaire survey of physiotherapists practising hippotherapy (HT) in the UK and in Germany, followed by in depth semi-structured interviews and focus groups of child and adult users of hippotherapy +/- their parents, again in both countries was used. Conclusions study showed that hippotherapy has very positive effects on people with cerebral palsy. However, the positive effects correlated with the quality of the horse and the quality of the treating therapist.