Remedial and Psychomotor Aspects of the Human Movement and Its Development A Theoretical approach to Developmental Riding 1999
Author | Marietta Schultz |
Year | 1999 |
"Physically, movement is not more than a visible and mathematically
definable change of location during a certain time. " (F.J.Buytendijk)
"For man and animal movement is an expression (sign) of life."
These two definitions of movement describe different aspects: a pure jUnctional one and a more experiential aspect. This paper defines movement in its common dimensions like space - time - gravity and reveals a fourth aspect which is important for movement development. This is the movement
dialogue as a basic communication means. Like Anna Freud's concept of developmental lines, four movement developmental lines are drawn to unfold an understanding for psychic and psychomotor dimensions of Developmental Riding.
A short case study serves as an example for remedial aspects of treatment with the help of horses.