The Horse as Equine Intermediary During the Healing Process in Psycho-Motor Therapeutic Vaulting (PMTV) 2002



Ulrike Boon-Theil



HippoCampus is situated in the Netherlands, less than two hours away from Brussels and Cologne. It is specialised in riding for people with or without mental or physical disabilities, and in education and psychotherapy with horses. HippoCampus also offers expertise in such matters as how to approach and develop therapeutic riding and horsemanship in health and educational organisations. HippoCampus organises workshops and clinics ( Seminare? fa! Heisst das dan seminaers oder cursus?) for riders to acquire own experiences, improve motor skills and communication with the horse. Dressage training is based on psychomotor techniques, therapeutic riding and natural horsemanship. Furthermore, HippoCampus promotes co-operation with happy horses who enjoy their work and like to work with people. This also implies providing an environment in line with a horse's natural needs. We strictly comply with the guidelines of the German and Austrian Kuratorium fur Therapeutisches Reiten, and are also members of the Federation of Riding for the Disabled International.