Volunteer and Professional Training and Qualifications for Riding Therapists in the UK Partnership or Conflict



Chiarra Hatton-Hall & Anita Claridge



The first part of this paper concerns the development of a system of training for volunteers by The Riding for the Disabled Association of the United Kingdom leading to the Riding for the Disabled Group Instructors and Senior Instructors qualifications which commenced with the Senior Instructors Examination in 198 I.
The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Riding for the Disabled (ACPRD) also have a programme of training for this clinical interest group which is validated by Greenwich University and recognised by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists.
Before discussing the qualification system it is necessary to determine the objectives of the training. The term "Riding Therapy" has different connotations in different countries. In the United Kingdom RDA understands their objective as providing disabled people with the opportunity of riding and driving to benefit their health and well being.
The aim in RDA group rides is to teach riding and for riders to enjoy their riding experience (this also includes stable management).