A series of consultation events are taking place during October and an online survey is available for those who prefer to respond anonymously.
We want to make sure that everyone has sufficient information to make an informed response, so we have arranged a series of virtual and physical briefing sessions to explain the plans in more detail and offer an opportunity for questions.
If you would like to attend, please register for any of the following so that we can plan accordingly and in particular, make sure that the face–to–face event is Covid safe.
Wednesday 6th October
Online Webinar 2.30-4pm
Tuesday 12th October
Online webinar 6.30pm – 8pm
Friday 15th October
RDA HQ, Warwickshire 11am – 3pm
The online survey is now closed.
Many thanks to the 103 people who responded to the survey or attended the consultation events.
It is important that we consider your views so that the Register mneets everyone’s needs.We are now analysisng the feedback which will be posted here soon.
For more information click here