Webinar #13

Join us for HETI Educational Webinars exploring ways to enhance and practice Equine Assisted Services

Achieving the impossible: Our journey to the Paralympic Games 2024








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What will our webinar be about?

Discover the extraordinary story of Marianna Grammatikaki, founder of Crete’s first Riding Academy, and her rider Michail Kalarakis, who proudly represented Greece at the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris. This engaging session highlights their journey from therapeutic riding to competing on the global stage in paradressage. Gain insights into athlete classification, the benefits of equestrian sports for individuals with disabilities, and the crucial role of horses in paradressage. Marianna also shares practical advice on horse selection, training, and the dedication required to succeed, offering inspiration for athletes, coaches, and anyone passionate about equine-assisted therapy and para sports.

Marianna Grammatikaki

Paradressage National Coach for Greece

Marianna Grammatikaki was born and is living on Crete. Crete is an island on the southest part of Europe. Nothing in the early years of her life indicated her career in dressage or Paradressage. Both were unknown words for Marianna untill her early 20. Marianna persued her training abroad, around central Europe and came back to her hometown on Crete on 2004 to start the first riding Academy on the island. Since 2004 the Riding Academy of Crete offers therapeutic Riding and regular riding lessons. In 2019 Marianna had her debout in international paradressage competions and since then she has managed to participate to Europeans & World championships with 2 greek para riders. All her effort and dedication brought her to the Paralympics 2024 in Paris where her rider Michail Kalarakis participated for Greece. Marianna is a hard working person who aims to inspire disabled people to enter the therapeutic riding and dare to try Paraequestrian sport.

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with Marianna Grammatikaki.

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