HETI Congress oral presentation short paper submission

Dear Presenters of the 18th HETI Congress,

As you already know, the congress held in Budapest on 18-22 June provided you with the opportunity to submit your articles in a new category – “Oral presentation abstract (short papers).”

Short papers, presented as oral presentations at the congress, can now be submitted for publication in the proceedings in a special edition of the HETI Journal.

Expectations concerning Short Papers

1. Short papers provide an opportunity to describe significant novel work in progress or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. Compared to full papers, their contribution may be narrower in scope, be applied to a narrower set of application domains, or have weaker empirical support than that expected for a full paper
2. Short research papers must describe original work that has not been previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not simultaneously submitted or currently under review in another journal or congress.
3. Submissions of short research papers must be in English, in word format, and be at most 4 pages or 1200 words (including figures, tables, proofs, appendixes, acknowledgements, and any content except references) in length, with unrestricted space for references.

4. Submissions should follow the HETI Journal – Manuscript Guidelines 2022 of HETI Journal: International Research and Practice.


The deadline for submitting the full text of a Short paper is October 30, 2024.

Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at editorial@hetifederation.org

Kind regards,
Dr. Alexandra Stergiou
HETI Journal, Editor-in-chief

Manuscript Submission

    I have read the Manuscript Guidelines and formatted my manuscript accordingly

    I attest that the first page of my manuscript (title page) contains the manuscript title, author information and abstract

    I have reviewed the Manuscript Submission Checklist to ensure that I am ready to submit my manuscript