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2023 onwards: Print ISSN: 2811-6119, Online ISSN:2811-6127
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Anna Pasquinelli, Paola Allori, Meike Susann Raupach, Ettore Caterino
Therapeutic Riding
Torsion Dystonia (TD) is one of the most disabling and less responsive Extrapyramidal Disorders (ED), but no specific reports on…
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Torsion Dystonia (TD) is one of the most disabling and less responsive Extrapyramidal Disorders (ED), but no specific reports on the application of Therapeutic Riding (TR) are found in the literature. We report the results in 4 children affected by severe generalized TD assessed by our nTR ED Assessment Scale n. The horseback posture alone dramatically inhibits dystonic postural patterns e.g. torsion, opisthotonus, segmentary inconsistency, which are further reduced by the horse smovement with the prompt acquisition of a more functional posture. This dramatic responsiveness proves that TR can represent a real possibility of rehabilitation for these S.
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Karol Hornacek,
Influencing posture plays a vital role in Horseback-Riding Therapy (Hippotherapy, 'HT'). Posture both reflects and influences the condition of the…
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Influencing posture plays a vital role in Horseback-Riding Therapy (Hippotherapy, 'HT'). Posture both reflects and influences the condition of the entire human body. By posture, we mean all human motor skills whose aim it is to maintain balance (Guth, et aI, 2004). Often, when discussing the characteristics of posture, various explanations of Sherrington 's (1906), respectively Magnus' (1916), statement that 'Posture follows movement like a shadow' are given. Ifwe assume that posture is at the beginning and end of every movement, and is a part and foundational condition of them, then the achievement of standing correctly with perfect posture is considered to be the primary function of the muscular system and, indirectly, of other systems of the human body, as well.Today, most diagnoses of problems related posture are based on the concept of 'perfect standing posture'. While this approach gets results in practice, it cannot be considered the only or best method of dealing with the problem. On the contrary, 'perfect standing posture', cannot even be singularly defined. No reliable or definitive definition exists. For that reason, the best approach in dealing with posture disorders in clinical medicine is one based on postural ontogenesis, particularly in regards to individual factors relating to postural activity and re-activity.
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Eva Schnieder
Being an enthusiastic horsewoman I was aware early on of something which I later came across in books and specialist…
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Being an enthusiastic horsewoman I was aware early on of something which I later came across in books and specialist literature: that is, that it is not just sitting on horseback which is so pleasant and beneficial but the mere fact also of simply being with the horse.Following the completion of my degree in psychology I considered that the training in Remedial Educational Vaulting (REV) at the Austrian Kuratorium for Therapeutic Riding would be an ideal combination of hobby and profession. It w~s during the course of my studies, while I was engaged in practical training with the "OsterreichischenAutistenhilfe" (Austrian Help for Autistic People) that I first came in contact with autistic people; I was fascinated by the special nature of autism and from that time on I occupied myself intensively with the subject, read numerous books about it and worked frequently with autistic children and their families. Even then I was struck most of all by the severe disorder that autistic people have in their ability to make contact: their apparent inability to make contact with the world around them in the usual manner.
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Nino Ionatamishvili , Dimitri Tsverava, Manana Loria, Lali Avaliani, Manana Rukhadze
Therapeutic Riding
Ingles et al (3) summarize the diagnosis of cerebral palsy as a "syndrome of sensorymotor dysfunction due to non-progressive brain…
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Ingles et al (3) summarize the diagnosis of cerebral palsy as a "syndrome of sensorymotor dysfunction due to non-progressive brain damage that has usually taken place pre- or-perenatally.These patients commonly show disorders of posture and of gait, and stereotyped abnormal patterns of movements. They suffer from both spastic and flaccid paralyses as well as characteristic involuntary, at heptode movements".Child cerebral palsy (CCP) covers all aspects of disorders of motor, sensor systems and those structures that as a result of studding should become a base of highest activity forms that we call highest cortical functions. Consequently, involving various combinations of motor (pyramid, striopalid, cerebellar), sensor disorders and retardation different CCP forms require early revelation of compensatory abilities in childhood and its maximum usage.
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Leopordo. Gonçalves. Letiao,
Learning and Psychoeducation
This exploratory study aimed to determine if, after the application of Psycho- Educational Riding (PER) (one session per week for…
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This exploratory study aimed to determine if, after the application of Psycho- Educational Riding (PER) (one session per week for sixteen weeks), we would monitor: improvements in different aspects of development and behaviour, offive autistic children (between five and ten years of age); data that might confirm the effectiveness of PER; the development of the necessary skills leading to an increasingly improved peljormance of the proposed tasks during the sessions. The methodology usedfocussed on the written composition of all sessions; on the employment of the Observational Grid (individuallsession)for Psycho-Educational Riding (PER) with autistic children; in the application, to the participants, of the Psychoeducational Profile Revised (Schopler, et a!' 1994), prior to and after the treatment; the parents were asked tofill out the Autism Treatment of Evaluation Checklist (Rimland & Edelson, 2000), every two weeks; and, at last, audiovisual techniques were also applied on a monthly basis. The results fulfilled all the hypotheses raised at the start of this study. This evidence raises the question on the importance of the horse's catalytic role in the core of a technician-child relationship, which must be viewed as crucial.
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Gundula Hauser
Mental Health
I have now been actively engaged in the various fields of therapeutic riding for more than twenty years.I worked first…
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I have now been actively engaged in the various fields of therapeutic riding for more than twenty years.I worked first in hippotherapy (as a physiotherapist with additional training). During the whole time in which I was engaged in this work, the movement of the horse was of particular importance to me in transfering a good pattern of movement onto the patient's pelvis. Of course the character and the attributes of the horse were also of importance to me, but as far as hippotherapy is concerned it is good pacing which is the decisive factor in effecting motoric improvement.
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Jean Luc Juguin, C. Tessiot
Therapeutic Riding
Objectives:To report an example of the use of therapeutic horseback riding, concerning a 16 year old girl with traumatic brain…
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Objectives:To report an example of the use of therapeutic horseback riding, concerning a 16 year old girl with traumatic brain injury, five years after an accident. The patient hasphysical and neuropsychological deficits.Method and results:We define the specific goals according to medical and social check-ups.Not all the evaluated fields have progressed. But the us.ualphysiotherapy exercises begin to have meaning and therefore, can be applied more satisfactorily.The protocol of the sessions and the evolution scale are adjusted to the patient.Conclusion:In the Institute, therapeutic riding appears to be an interesting alternative of teamwork and could be part of the "personalised project".
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Ana Paula Nobrega & Melo Neves
The recognition of hippotherapy as an alternative method of treatment is recent in Brazil and has been receiving contributions from…
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The recognition of hippotherapy as an alternative method of treatment is recent in Brazil and has been receiving contributions from several sciences, apart from speech language therapy that has been enlarging its presence in some hippotherapy centers. With the participation of the speech language therapist in the hippotherapy sessions, themes that weren't considered relevant before have become studied.Language, through its motor aspects of speech and as communication, has become one of the important objectives in the therapeutic process of hippotherapy, which has amongst its clientele a considerable number of children and adults with altered language.The idea of this work came from the need for enlarging the knowledge about the children's lack of special language needs in this new context that is hippotherapy. Participants of hippotherapy are exposed to situations that favor changes through the non-verbal language, gestures, corporal contact and through the verbal language, in the interaction with other participants and professionals, in the games and toys, in the driven activities, in their own routine of feeding of the horse, as well as in the affective changes with expression offeelings and desires.Considering the great importance of the context in language development and its functions, we have tried to observe in this project the communicative behaviors in the practical context of hippotherapy.In this study, we will include some relevant aspects of this perspective, and discuss various authors' points of view when considering the pragmatics of the language and it's development, especially in terms of the communicative aspect, it's functions and context.
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Ulrike Boon-Theil
HippoCampus is situated in the Netherlands, less than two hours away from Brussels and Cologne. It is specialised in riding…
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HippoCampus is situated in the Netherlands, less than two hours away from Brussels and Cologne. It is specialised in riding for people with or without mental or physical disabilities, and in education and psychotherapy with horses. HippoCampus also offers expertise in such matters as how to approach and develop therapeutic riding and horsemanship in health and educational organisations. HippoCampus organises workshops and clinics ( Seminare? fa! Heisst das dan seminaers oder cursus?) for riders to acquire own experiences, improve motor skills and communication with the horse. Dressage training is based on psychomotor techniques, therapeutic riding and natural horsemanship. Furthermore, HippoCampus promotes co-operation with happy horses who enjoy their work and like to work with people. This also implies providing an environment in line with a horse's natural needs. We strictly comply with the guidelines of the German and Austrian Kuratorium fur Therapeutisches Reiten, and are also members of the Federation of Riding for the Disabled International.
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Nina Wiger
Four children with various physical and mental disabilities participated in a six week long course of adapted vaulting. The sessions…
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Four children with various physical and mental disabilities participated in a six week long course of adapted vaulting. The sessions were videotaped, and informational videos were made. All children improved in various ways and in one case it is likely that the improvement was a direct result of the vaulting course. Thefilms are being shown to politicians, school and health personnel and horse professionals. It seems possible to gain acceptance for therapeutic horseback riding and its inclusion into the structures that currently control health services if its value can be soundly documented and the information conveyed in a convincing manner. Adapted vaulting is an interesting investigative approach that merits further study.
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